


乳房x光检查是对乳房进行的x光检查. It is used to detect and diagnose breast disease in women who either have breast problems, 比如肿块, 疼痛, 或者乳头溢液, 对于没有乳房不适的女性也是如此. 程序允许检测 乳腺癌 , benign tumors, and cysts before they can be detected by palpation (touch).

乳房x光检查不能证明异常区域就是癌症, 但如果它引起了对癌症的严重怀疑, 组织将被移除 活组织检查 . Tissue may be removed by needle or open surgical 活组织检查 and examined under a microscope to determine if it is cancer.

乳房x光检查已经使用了大约30年, and in the past 15 years technical advancements have greatly improved both the technique and results. 今天, 专用设备, 仅用于乳房x光检查, 产生高质量的研究, 但是辐射剂量很低. 辐射风险被认为可以忽略不计.


The development of digital 乳房x光检查 technology allows for improved breast imaging, 特别是, 适合50岁以下的女性, 乳房组织致密的女性, 以及绝经前或围绝经期的女性. Digital 乳房x光检查 provides electronic images of 乳房s that can be enhanced by computer technology, 储存在电脑上, and even transmitted electronically in situations where remote access to the mammogram is required. The procedure for a digital 乳房x光检查 is basically performed the same way as a standard mammogram.

具有计算机辅助检测(CAD)系统, a digitized mammographic image from a conventional film mammogram or a digitally acquired mammogram is analyzed for masses, 钙化, or areas of abnormal density that may indicate the presence of cancer. The images are highlighted by the CAD system for further analysis by the radiologist.




  • 筛查性乳房x光检查. A screening mammogram is an X-ray of 乳房 used to detect breast changes in women who have no signs or symptoms of breast cancer. 它通常包括对每个乳房进行两次x光检查. Using a mammogram, it is possible to detect a tumor that cannot be felt.

  • 诊断性乳房x光检查. A diagnostic mammogram is an X-ray of 乳房 used to diagnose unusual breast changes, 比如肿块, 疼痛, 乳头增厚或溢液, 或者乳房大小或形状的变化. A diagnostic mammogram is also used to evaluate abnormalities detected on a screening mammogram. It is a basic medical tool and is appropriate in the workup of breast changes, 不管女人的年龄.


x射线 use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, 骨头, 还有器官的影像. Standard x射线 are performed for many reasons, including diagnosing tumors or bone injuries.

x射线 are made by using external radiation to produce images of the body, 它的器官, 以及其他用于诊断的内部结构. x射线 pass through body structures onto specially-treated plates (similar to camera film) and a "negative" type picture is made (the more solid a structure is, 它在胶片上显得越白).

研讨会 A 乳房 Radiologist’s Perspective: Screening 乳房x光检查 and Diagnostic Imaging

乳房 imaging experts explain breast imaging and the difference between screening and diagnostic mammograms.


每个乳房有15到20个被称为叶的部分,它们是排列好的 像雏菊的花瓣. 每个裂片都有许多小裂片,这些小裂片 最后变成几十个可以产奶的小球茎.

裂片、小叶和球茎都由细管连接 导管. 这些导管通向乳头中心的黑暗区域 叫做乳晕的皮肤. 脂肪填充小叶和导管之间的空隙.

There are no muscles in 乳房, but muscles lie under each breast 盖上排骨.

Each breast also contains blood vessels and vessels that carry lymph. The lymph vessels lead to small bean-shaped organs called lymph nodes, clusters of which are found under the arm, above the collarbone, and in 胸部,以及身体的许多其他部位.


乳房x光检查 may be used either for screening or to make a diagnosis. Women older than 30 years should undergo diagnostic 乳房x光检查 if they 有症状,如可触及的肿块,乳房皮肤增厚或 凹陷,乳头溢液或回缩,糜烂性溃疡 乳头或乳房疼痛.

乳房x光检查可用于评估乳房疼痛 检查和病史不能确定. 女人的乳房是 dense, "lumpy," and/or very large may be screened with 乳房x光检查, as 体格检查可能很难进行.

乳腺癌高危人群或有乳腺癌病史的女性 乳腺癌可以通过乳房x光检查进行常规筛查.

There may be other reasons for 你r health care provider to recommend a 乳房x光检查.


不同的健康专家有不同的建议 乳房x光检查. 以下筛查指南是为了早期发现 没有任何症状的女性患癌症的几率:

  • 美国放射学会(ACR)和美国放射学会 乳腺成像(SBI)建议女性每年做一次乳房x光检查 从40岁开始. 约翰霍普金斯放射学和 《推荐十大正规网赌平台》乳腺影像组支持ACR 和SBI的建议,并鼓励女性讨论她们的 与他们的医生进行个人筛查选择. 

  • 2023年5月.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) updated its recommendations to begin breast cancer 40岁时进行筛查.

  • 风险增加的女性(家族史,基因 倾向,既往乳腺癌)应该与自己的健康交谈 护理提供者了解开始治疗的益处和局限性 乳房x光检查早期,有额外的检查(乳房 超声,核磁共振成像),或者进行更频繁的检查.

Women should talk with their health care providers about their personal 风险因素,然后再决定什么时候开始 乳房x光检查或者应该多久做一次. 咨询你的医疗保健 provider regarding the screening guidelines that are appropriate for 你.


你可能想问问你的医疗保健提供者 手术过程中使用的辐射以及与你的 特定情况下. 把你的过去记录下来是个好主意 history of radiation exposure, such as previous scans and other types 这样你就可以通知你的医护人员. 风险 associated with radiation exposure may be related to the cumulative number of X-ray examinations and/or treatments over a long period of time.

If 你 are pregnant or suspect that 你 may be pregnant, 你 should 通知你的医疗保健提供者. 怀孕期间的辐射暴露 会导致出生缺陷吗. 如果你有必要 mammogram, special precautions will be made to minimize the radiation 胎儿暴露.

当乳房紧贴乳房时,可能会感到一些不适 x光片. 这种压缩不会损害 然而,乳房.

There may be other risks depending on 你r specific medical condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with 你r health care provider prior to 这个过程.

某些因素或条件可能会干扰乳房x光检查. 这些 包括但不限于以下内容:

  • 滑石粉,除臭剂,面霜,或乳液下应用 手臂或胸部

  • 乳房植入物,因为它们可能会阻止完全可视化 乳房. 如果你隆胸,一定要告诉你的 乳房x光检查设备,当你做 任命. 你需要一个受过训练的x光技师 和植入物的推荐十大正规网赌平台一起工作. 这很重要 因为隆胸会隐藏一些乳房组织 会使放射科医生很难看到乳房吗 当你看你的乳房x光照片时.

  • 既往乳房手术

  • 荷尔蒙乳房变化


Annual mammograms are the best tool for early detection of breast cancer. 听一听女性谈论乳房检查的重要性, and what they would tell other women who might be hesitant to schedule a mammogram.


调度 在月经前一周和月经期间,乳房会有触痛, so try to schedule 你r mammogram for one to two weeks after 你r period starts. If 你 have breast implants, please notify the office when 你 schedule the exam.

预防措施 :如果你怀孕了或认为你可能怀孕了, 请在安排检查前咨询您的医生. 其他选择将与你和你的医生讨论.

母乳喂养 : Please notify the technologist if 你 are currently breast-feeding.

个人卫生 : Do not use any deodorant, powder, lotion or perfume on the day of 你r exam.

服装 : You must remove 你r clothing from the waist up and change into a patient gown. 我们将提供一个储物柜来保管您的个人物品. Please remove all piercings and leave all jewelry and valuables at home.

Based on 你r medical condition, 你r health care provider may request other specific preparation.



One of the best things 你 can do to protect and improve 你r health is to stay informed. 你的健康 是一个免费的电子通讯,作为你的智慧, 与约翰霍普金斯大学的世界级专业知识有简单的联系.

